Joffrey Ballet Winning Works


I began my creation of the Joffrey Ballet Winning Works Competition and created a work entitled MOMODA (Kiss Kiss).

Momoda or 么么哒  (kiss kiss) is Chinese slang for mwah. It expresses endearing affection, not just with lovers, but with all people who come into our life, friends, and family alike. I am exploring impermanence and the sweetness that exists through states we inhabit through life; relationships, places, occupations, time, and the beauty inside brief but transformative experiences. It is also a love letter to life itself and the beautiful moments we can embrace while we are here. Recognizing our impermanence, it can shape our worldview, catapulting us into broadening our scope of who we are and our space in this world. While there is depth and reflection, there is also lightness, with the only constant being change.

The piece is an ensemble stage work for 21 dancers.

Premiere MCA Chicago 2023

Company Joffrey Ballet Academy

Choreography Natasha Adorlee

Dancers Joffrey Ballet Studio Company and Trainees

Music Micheal Wall

Costumes Ellie Cotey

Academy Directors Oğulcan Borova & Katlin Bourgeois

Joffrey Ballet AD Ashley Wheater MBE


BFFM Immersive Evening Length Experience